“Trans-Acting Small Interfering Rnas: Biogenesis, Mode of Action, and Role in Plant Development.” In Micrornas in Plant Development and Stress Responses. Edited by Ramanjulu Sunkar. Signaling and Communication in Plants. Springer
Category: Uncategorized
New Paper
our paper on the subcellular localisation of AGO7 and its association with membranes just appeared in EMBO Journal.
Read about it here
New review
Our review on lateral root formation in WiREs Developmental Biology, just appeared online.
Read all about it here.
Plant Growth and Modeling Meeting
Alexis will be giving a talk in Elche (Spain) at the “Plant Growth Biology and Modeling 2011” workshop (September 19 – 21, 2011). The meeting will cover the latest advances in the biology and modeling of leaf and root development. http://pgbm2011.umh.es
Summer School on small RNAs
Together with Dirk Grimm, we organised the 2011 HBIGS summer school on “Regulatory RNAs in physiology, development and disease” in Boppard (Germany).
New paper
Our paper describing the use of light-sheet microscopy for the study of plant growth has been published. The major advantages of this technique are the low amount of light illuminating the sample (and therefore light-induced damages) and its very little invasiveness.
Read all about it here.
Interested in joining as a postdoc?
If you’re an outstanding postdoc candidate and want to join the lab, take advantage of the new call that CellNetworks to fund postdoc position.
Get more information here.
Beware: deadline for application is March 20th 2011!
Lab retreat!
The lab is joining the Heisler (EMBL), Lohmann and Schumacher (University of Heidelberg) groups for some intense brainstorming in the Austrian alps.
Poster price!
Virginie has won the best poster award at the Cell Networks conference. Congrats!